Porsche Boxster Spyder Driver Injures 11 In Moronic Car Meet Crash
11 people ended up in hopsital on Saturday after a cars and coffee event at the Boise Spectrum in Idaho ended on a sour note. A Porsche Boxster Spyder driver leaving the event lost control of his car, ploughing into a crowd of people.
The crash was filmed from multiple angles, with CTzen Marcus Morton capturing the aftermath in the video above. The full force of the crash is shown in the video below, although we have to warn you, you may find the footage distressing.
Erick Mejia Reyes shot this video of a Porsche crashing into a crowd of people at a local cars and coffee show saturday morning in Boise. Police say 11 people have injuries.
تم نشره بواسطة RPM Lifestyle في 17 سبتمبر، 2017
Boise Police said the crash caused “serious but not critical injuries” to bystanders, reports the Idaho Statesman. The publication also received a statement from the event’s organisers, which said:
“Speed, racing or any other types of driving are not part of the event. This accident occurred on a public road and was the driver’s sole decision. We do not condone exhibition of speed on any level on public roads.”
Hopefully the crash won’t put the future of cars and coffee events in the area in jeopardy - all to often we see the actions of one moron ruin things for everyone else, giving petrolheads a bad name in the process.
Showboating car meet attendees of the world: calm the hell down!
That Porsche went full mustang
I didn’t know boxters had 4 wheel steering…
He didnt crash
All he wanted was to be part of CamberGang and Stance Nation
I didnt know the boxter had 4 wheel steering😐😐😐
coughundercover mustangcough
insert crowd joke ayyy lmao
so the new boxter has 4 wheel steering ?
When you’re driving a Porsche but Mustang is life.
Incoming Mustang jokes
Watch out Mustang..