This Lady Went Completely Nuts At A Subaru WRX STI Driver And We've No Idea Why
Since she's shouting in such a hysterical manner, we can't be entirely sure what got this lady so riled up. It sounds like she's accusing the STI driver of nearly running her over, but who knows, maybe it's just because she's an Evo fan..
We all know this lady…”I’d like to speak to the manager”
The “concerned citizen”.
‘Take another picture!’
Disklok UK , I think you may want to send this person a Disklok in case she wants to take his car and crash it!
haha… i like the way you think
This guy shouldn’t be overshadowed:
too bad that they will delete it so they can get the “i did the original post”
Don’t you know this is what CT does? Take other peoples stuff and post it as their own.
She’s just being an npc in gta v..
Calmly stop next to the curb a hundred yards away “I DON’T WANT TO DIE!!!!!”
The voice of that woman is just… Am I the only one with a headache?
haha… i wanna hit her for being mad at the subie… but i also want to hit her for just talking… her voice is so annoying…
Don’t do drugs kids
Anyone else notice the S13 coupe at 0:37 ?
I thought i was the only one xd
Logged in just to say the same thing!
She got dat sas yo
Geobaz that your mom ?