How Nobody Died During This Unbelievable Movie Stunt Fail Is A Miracle

During filming of a so-far unknown movie in China, a car jump stunt goes horrifically wrong, nearly killing innocent bystanders
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The original wherabouts of this video are currently unknown and many of you in the comments section of YouTube aren’t convinced that this is real. A few people think that the poor quality of the video points to the fact that this is a fake, while others are angry and concerned with the clear lack of planning done by the film’s producers.

Whatever the answer, this video sure as hell looks like a real-life accident that could have easily resulted in loss of life. The reactions of the bystanders certainly look genuine, and the screams are clearly unrehearsed too. After the dust settles, it looks as though everyone around the crash scene escaped unharmed, although this remains unconfirmed also.

If you’ve got any info, be sure to let us know below.

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