Here's The Awkward Moment A Car Wash Employee Drove An SUV Off An Embankment
In this bizarre CCTV footage, a car wash worker is seen driving an SUV - apparently one belonging to the local fire department - right off an embankment
We can only assume the employee at this car wash in San Diego thought they were in reverse, as opposed to drive. It’s not known whether or not they were injured in the embarrassing crash, or whether or not they kept their job…
Video via Car Scoops
Leaked image of the boss
Employee - “Your car will look fantastic, it’ll look like it just came out of the showroom.”
Customer - “I’m banking on it.”
This man and his comments are always on point
Yes more puns!
Sorry, I have to.
must have been playing pokemon go
“Wash the car” they said
“it will be easy”
10 points for speed, but -9000 for clear thinking.
That will probably take some money from you emBANKment account (pun intended)
Oh wow.
Don’t worry, he is just making sure everything is in order withthe car…
The funniest thing is the lack of immediate reaction of the first guy who saw the accident.
“Can we take it offroading brah?” “Cha brah?”
Oh did you mean like this?
“Everybody Russian.” 😂