Check Out This Shocking Onboard Footage Of A Massive Honda Civic Rally Crash

Both the driver and co-driver in this accident walked away unharmed, but the same couldn't be said of their 'little green Honda'
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This incredible crash proves the importance of a roll cage, particularly in older cars like this Honda Civic. According to the YouTube description:

We had a lot of fun at Pacific forest rally this year, Comstock-Kane was an amazing stage and we naturaly just got into the flow of things. My eyes took over, and a deceptive crest caught us off guard.

Alot went through my mind as we rolled down the road, but what I thought about most was the amount of time and effort I put into this little green honda that I love. Its unfortunate that the rally ended this way. We both walked away safe which is the most important, and feeling proud of the extra effort I put in which paid dividends in maintaining our saftey.

I’m looking forward to re-shelling the car, making it better, stronger and safer.

As seen on Jalopnik.

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