Bulletproof BMW Helps Iraqi Man Save 70 People From Snipers

Ever called a friend a legend for picking you up on the way to town? You might need to re-evaluate your definitions after you read about the man who saved more than 70 people from sniper fire by driving around in a bulletproof BMW.
Ako Abdulrahman lives in the war-torn city of Kirkuk, in Iraq, where soldiers and civilians are fighting IS hard. Snipers are an ever-present and very real threat.
When the jihadi militants first started to advance on the city he bought the heavyweight BMW from an auction for $10,000, reports claim, after which he and his friends drove around the city safely.
But more recently the genuine hero has been using it to rescue people injured by sniper fire. Medical crews simply get shot if they try to help, so Ako is single-handedly saving these people’s lives.

CNN quotes him as saying: “I told myself, this is the right time to help people, this is the right moment to do it. I am a fighter and I have a bulletproof car, shame on me if I can’t help.
“I kept telling myself, my people are in danger, they need me, my city is in danger, I have to protect it.”
There are apparently more than 50 bullet strikes on the car, and Ako claims that BMW even offered to exchange his old car for a new one so that they could display his own in their headquarters. He turned them down.
“I am not a hero,” he told CNN. “I am only an ordinary Iraqi who wants to defeat his country from criminals and killers.”
Well that’s cute.
That’s quite a bit more expensive though
What a stupid comment
Seriously people it’s a joke calm.
respect bro
Totally agree, real heroes dont ask to be given credit or fame like this guy. True hero. he’s also got class 😂
This man is in fact, a REAL HERO!
Am I the only one who wants to see the whole car?
No, I want to see it too
i have found some :) uploaded them to imgur heres the link :) - http://imgur.com/a/V4FW2
I save lives everyday
How exactly?
Its not a competion
All real muslims are like this man
Real Muslims are like that guy actually I know because REAL Muslims helped me in more than one occasion
That is easier said then done my freind. Until you have been through what these people have in iraq and syria then you will not know what fear means. Islam itself means peace and every teaching in islam enforces peace and love yet the people that seem to get the most attention are the terrorists that follow abosolutely no teachings of the religeon. What a world we live in…
They are, the media will just talk about the bad ones though making it seem like all Muslims are bad people.
He certainly deserves a newer car. Newer BMWs are VR9 armoured whereas his is VR5 or VR6. Still a tough machine considering it’s a mechanical workhorse that will never let him down! :D
I would have taken the newer more bulletproof BMW if I were him. It’s a win-win. He gets a new, safer car. BMW gets a piece of history.
What a Christian!
I bet the only unused or undamaged parts of this BMW are the turn signals..
hahahaha go for the win!!
What if Donald Trump see this?