Annoying Adverts Could Soon Blight Your Car's Media Screen

What’s your absolute favourite thing about the Internet? It’s the adverts, right? And your favourite thing about TV? Also the adverts. I knew it. Gosh darn it, we all just love those adverts.
That’s great news, because soon adverts could start being channelled straight to the screens in your own car – or else you’ll be charged more money to use connected-car services. Wonderful.
A tech company called Telenav has announced an ‘in-car advertising platform’ that would basically hijack your infotainment system with ads whenever you’re stationary and trying to use connected services. You know when you’re playing a mobile game and you’re constantly bombarded with gameplay-incentivised ads that get you an extra life or double the reward? We all have nothing but love for those ads, right?

The company’s hellish plans involve making you pay more for services if you don’t watch the adverts. A red-irised spokesperson for Telenav, who presumably concealed their horns within a large hat, claimed that the approach would “help car makers offset costs related to connected services such as wireless data, content, software and cloud services.”
Can’t we all just use our smartphones, given that we already pay for the data and service provision? Yes, of course we can. If we want to find something to eat we can already look that up by stopping at the roadside.
Telenav’s CEO, who we imagine to be staring hungrily at our wallets while saying this, said the system is “an exciting new opportunity… to monetise connectivity to cover service costs and even drive healthy profits while enriching the consumer experience with safely-delivered, engaging and relevant offers.”
We’ll still pass, thanks. This sounds like all the reason we could ever need to avoid fully Internet-connected cars altogether.
Source: Silicon Beat
No god please no youtube is bad radio is bad and now this i’m going to find the person who wanted this and you know what i will do
At least no car is made from EA.
“Want to accelerate faster? $29.99.”
“Want to have TC on? $59.99.”
“Want better driving feel? Order the Gold Pack which includes improved suspension features, 30 hp boost and others for a price of $100!”
DON’T GIVE ANY IDEAS! Who knows what car company would be readng this and then noting down to discuss it in their next boardroom meetings.
I participated in Porsche market research and yeah they are considering introducing an AppStore-like interface to cars in the future
As do all other manufacturers, as it particularly makes sense on EVs
Also yoj need to pay for this monthly, what a steal!!!
Tesla already do this. Some of their different battery versions actually contain the same hardware and battery pack but on the lower-spec one, the software artificially limits the capacity. I only learned about this when during last year’s hurricanes, Tesla temporarily removed the limiter on these cars to give owners more range (good on Tesla for doing that).
Not to mention how you have to pay an extra few grand on German performance cars for a speed limiter increase…
You are forgetting the lootboxes,
Want a chance to win extra boost pressure? Pay $100 for 10000 virtual currency to get a chance to purchase a platinum lootbox
Before we know it, we will have to buy DLC and expansion packs for basic car functions…
Won’t this distract you from driving?
“A tech company called Telenav has announced an ‘in-car advertising platform’ that would basically hijack your infotainment system with ads whenever you’re stationary and trying to use connected services.” Note the stationary
Yup, all the more reason to keep my 20+ year old trucks. TV screens do not belong in cars. At all.
damn right mate
Did nobody realize how dangerous it could be? They do all these campaigns against the use of mobile phones while driving but this is as bad as texting and driving tbh
That’s what I thought at first too, but then I read that the adverts only pop up when the car is stationery.
Im never gonna buy a new car then 🤷♂️
Considering Teslas have just one big massive screen to control EVERYTHING, you’ll probably have to wait 30 seconds for the advert to finish and then change the settings on your seat heater… by which time your bum might be in a questionable state. 😛
EA sure is a very inspirational company. 😂😞
F*ck you. (To the be1lend that thought of this, not anyone here).
This is the sort of thing that genuinely makes me want to leave this planet. A car is your private place, it’s like making you watch an ad before boiling your kettle. Seriously need to remove the sort of people who come up with this rubbish from existance.
this needs more upvotes
That’s exactly what I think