What is 2-Step and what is Anti-lag?
There is a lot of confusion about this in the car community apparently. I don’t see how it’s so hard to understand.
This is NOT an Anti-lag system. Just because a car cuts ignition and shoots flames doesn’t mean it’s got anti lag. Like-wise just because a car can build boost in neutral doesn’t mean it’s got anti lag. This is called 2-step or Launch control Write this down.
THIS is real Anti-lag. A system which completely remove turbo lag all together. Commonly used on rally cars. Write this down.
If you need more information, watch Engineering Explained’s video on Anti-lag systems.
I hope this clears things up for some of you!
I’ve got 3-step. Do the kids think im cool now ?
so TL DR:
anti lag eliminates turbo lag between all gears, launch control/2-step elminates lag in first car from the launch?
Yea pretty much. Although 2-step doesn’t eliminate lag. It just lets you spool up before you launch where as anti-lag keeps the turbo spooling constantly.