1993 Mitsubishi Eterna GTi
it’s not a galant, but has same chassis and this is FWD
i bought it in abandoned condition (2 years)
because i love this car, i want it come back to life again, bring it back to the road and use it as daily car
but she has electrical problem, and need new wiring harness
the plan is
carbureted swap
remove electrical feature
weight reduction
The eternal GTi
Awesome! I actually have a Galant. These are very nice as well! Hope your build turns out awesome
thx for that motivation : D
i’ll do my best for paying the repair cost, and then start restoration for that car
srry for my bad english, im from indonesian
Why would you want to carburate a GTi? Sensors are hard to find?
i want to carbureted it because i lost the ecu when i bought the car, then carburetor more easily to maintenance, and the sensors are expensive in my country