Quality product?
I definitely don’t have the funds for this at the moment, but does anyone here have any experience with these or know if they would be a quality supercharger kit? The last thing I’d want to do is shoot myself in the foot in reliability. I’d rather do it right so I can go fast fast for as long as possible.
The quality of that turbo should be your last concern, the question is will your n52 be able to handle the boost, our engines are not built n54&n55’s they are really similar but not quite, they include reinforced parts which n52’s lack of, if you were to get the kit you would have to do a lot of retrofitting using 335 parts, im talking about intercooler, manifold, downpipe etc. plus the fact that n52’s don’t have cylinder heads don’t help us at all. There are a lot variables to take in consideration before doing this, just because it fits it doesn’t mean that it will give you reliable performance, honestly considering all the things that could go wrong in process plus all the other items you’ll have to retrofit I don’t think it’s worth it, cause in my head right now you’re well over $5k + 20 work hours in best case scenario, I don’t wanna sound like everyone else but if you were to get this done and spend that much money, you’re better off selling your e90/92 that has n52 for $6-10k and get a 335i, I hope this helps..
Actually, it’s not even a turbo. It’s a low pressure supercharger designed to work with the stock n52. It’s not as powerful as an n54/n55 in terms of full potential, but rather just transforms the n52 into a slightly better version of itself. From everything I’ve been reading there’s no reported loss of reliability or longevity with these in particular. If it was a turbo I would totally agree with you, but this is I think the only FI kit that I would actually put into my engine and feel alright about. Plus it just seems like a fun project.