Genres of Music and Their Car Counterparts #blogpost

How’s it going, ladies and gentlemen? My name is Flux, and welcome to another blog of mine.

Chances are, you came here for cars. Actually, that IS the reason you’re here. It is CarThrottle, after all. But you know what goes great with cars? Music. Everyone loves a good song. Whether it be a clean 80s love song or straight-up death metal, cars and music will forever be a match made in heaven. Thing Is, though, some genres go better with some cars better than others. That is what I’ll be on about today.

Power metal: Koenigsegg Agera RS

Power metal is about three things: Speed, power, and being absolutely epic (you can thank the fantasy themes for that). Often times, you’ll hear a power metal song, and afterwards think “God damn, that was awesome!” There’s a reason why “Through the Fire and Flames” is so damn well-known (aside from Guitar Hero, that is).

“What does that have to do with the Agera RS?” you may be wondering. Well, it’s simple. Both power metal and the Agera RS are focused on speed, power, and being epic. To make it more interesting, power metal has origins in Europe and the USA. Just like how Sweden-born Koenigsegg himself used a Modular-based engine in the first Koenigsegg vehicle. That means all Koenigseggs are derived from the US and Europe, just like power metal.

A fitting song would be Lost Horizon – Highlander. Fun fact: They’re Swedish, too.

Modern pop: Buick/Opel Cascada

Feel free to mute your speakers, and close your eyes.

Modern pop is often regarded as a very annoying genre of music, and for good reason. More often than not, the top 100 lists of songs are some strange auto tune-filled serenade. Said songs are always sung by millennial eye candy. It’s not the fact that they’re all like that, but they’re the ones that get promoted by their signing companies.

Now back on topic. I present to you the Buick Cascada. This thing is a newer, horrible convertible by Buick. You can already see where I’m going with this. If you’ve seen by the commercials, Buick is trying to appeal to a younger audience, millennials to be specific. It’s no wonder why they’ve been using pop music in their commercials for the past 5 years.

Aside from that, the Cascada is littered with infotainment this and electronic that, in an effort to appeal to more people. Not unlike auto tune, yes? It also has the looks of something that is desperately trying to attract people of the 21-31 age bracket. It’s pretty clear why the Cascada and pop music go hand-in-hand; they’re designed for the young adult audience. The only difference is that one is actually succeeding.

Fitting song of choice: Taylor Swift – Look at What You Made Me Do (I’m so sorry.)

Trap: Nissan GT-R

Trap is a very odd genre, with an even weirder origin. It stems from Southern hip hop from the US, coming from songs with high bass kick and many snares. The name itself comes from where drug deals used to take place, a “trap”. Nowadays, the genre is a subgenre of EDM. Same bass kick and snares, but no incredibly dark lyrics. I used to enjoy this stuff a lot, and I still kinda do! It’s nice, especially ones with Arabic flair.

What makes an EDM genre and the GT-R similar, however? Well, aside from electronic jokes, there is one thing: They’re both insanely mainstream, in one way or another. They’ve been that way since around 2014. This has gained them a huge following around the globe, and in the GT-R’s case, not a very good one. As a matter of fact, EDM is entirely like the Nissan GT-R: Electronic, modern as hell, strange roots, all of that. I mean, you see GT-R videos with electronic music for a reason.

My song of choice would be Take/Five – Requiem.

Golden Age/80s rap: Buick GNX

80s rap, otherwise called Golden Age rap, is regarded as being one of the greatest (if not THE GREATEST) time for rap and hip hop music. You had people like LL Cool J, Beastie Boys, Run D.M.C., KRS-One, all of them and many more truly defined the game back then. Many songs from that time period are what I would call “100% badass”, but they are also simplistic in comparison to the overcomplicated songs topping the charts nowadays.

The GNX is the exact same way, no questions asked. The design is simplistic, yet incredibly badass. Compare that to the new Regal, which is….bad. Really bad. It was also as innovative as the rap of that time. Not only was it was co-made by McLaren (fun fact!), but it was also made with an arm in the back that made the GNX practically do wheelies to add traction. One leg up (and a whole ¼ mile) on its newer counterparts!

The song for the GNX would be Public Enemy – Welcome to The Terrordome.

Nu metal: Saleen S281

Ah, yes, nu metal. The genre that every edgelord in 2005 loved. Well, mostly Linkin Park, but you get it.
Basically, nu metal is alternative rock mixed with heavy metal. You’ll usually get this mixed with hip hop, as the case with Linkin Park or Thousand Foot Krutch. Often times, it has a very “edgy” sound that screams “early 2000s represent!” Although it’s often criticized as such, I personally love it. Next to metalcore, it’s my favorite genre.

(Inb4 flux is edgy)

Now, how does that relate to the Saleen S281? Well, for starters, this thing is styled aggressively, on top of the already retro looks of the S197. This is very similar to the fact that nu metal combines an “edgy” sound with older metal elements, aside from the hip hop bits here and there. It’s also very hard-hitting in its power. Sorta like Faint from the Meteora album. Very nice.

The song of choice here is Linkin Park – Numb.

Thanks for reading, y’all. Please leave a comment and tell me what you thought. If you have a car and song/music genre that you think go together, feel free to say it.

Anyway, this has been Flux of CarThrottle. Peace!

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Nishant Dash

In reply to by [Flux]

What’s Neoclassical then?? Great read btw Flux(7.0) 👏👏

11/12/2017 - 01:09 |
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The Toaster of Doom

Any muscle/US car from 1960 back-blues

11/11/2017 - 18:03 |
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Nah, I’m thinking more like rock. Something…stronger. rimshot

11/11/2017 - 18:04 |
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Seth 3

Great post!

11/11/2017 - 18:04 |
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11/11/2017 - 18:07 |
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Lootwig | Galant Lover

Nice post. I am a really big metal/ Linkin Park fan,too

11/11/2017 - 18:08 |
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What category does Run The Jewels fall in?

Apart from that great blogpost lol

11/11/2017 - 18:08 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Let’s see, RTJ is mental, no doubt. Everything is always good with them.

I’m not even being pandering with this, but I would say that RTJ fits the Audi R8. LOL

11/11/2017 - 18:14 |
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you forgot the best music:
and the car:

11/11/2017 - 18:09 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)




ok meme man

11/11/2017 - 18:15 |
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