VIDEO: Ferrari 599 HY-KERS

We said the green revolution was touching everybody when Bentley announced it would be offering flex-fuel capability across its lineup, but how much more so with Ferrari and a hybrid system (!).

We said the green revolution was touching everybody when Bentley announced it would be offering flex-fuel capability across its lineup, but how much more so with Ferrari and a hybrid system (!).

A hybrid from Ferrari has been rumored for sometime though, revealed in patent drawings and in the goals of the brand to increase fuel efficiency without sacrificing performance.

The Ferrari 599 HY-KERS, a "veturra laboratorio" as Ferrari calls it, does just that. KERS stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System, which captures energy under braking.

The 599 HY-KERS uses a version of the system used in last year's Formula One program, adapted for use on the road. It creates over 100 horsepower and even offers an all-electric mode at low speeds, increasing efficiency by 35%. To demonstrate the system to fans and skeptics, Ferrari has created this video.

We're all for hybrids that increase performance and efficiency at the same time - that isn't a hybrid as you know it. We wouldn't expect anything less!

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