Man Brands Elon Musk A Lifesaver After His Tesla Model X Is Hit By A Speeding Car

A California man is thanking Elon Musk for saving his life the night before his wedding, after his rented Model X shrugged-off a brutal hit by a speeding stolen car.
John Tran, who actually works as an automation controls consultant for Tesla on the stamping, body and paint lines, was leaving a restaurant in San Jose after his wedding rehearsal (they have those, apparently), when a stolen car ploughed into the driver’s side of the Model X Tran had hired for the wedding.

Fortunately he was alone in the car, with his fiancee Nancy in a different one as the couple parted ways before their big day. The Tesla was pushed ‘20-30ft’ from its original position by the huge impact, all the airbags deployed and, as the pictures show, the front left wheel was ripped off.
Tran describes managing to kick the jammed driver’s door open and then falling unconscious outside the car, after which the emergency services took him to a hospital. The good news is that he was technically unharmed apart from a torn ligament in his right hand. He was even able to get married the next day, as planned. Well, sort of. He obviously didn’t get to pilot the broken Model X to the event.

Now the newly married man says he wants to sell all his current cars and get a Tesla as his next car, largely because of how safe it is. The Model X and Model S are both among the very safest cars you can buy today, after all.
Calling the Model X his “shield and protector,” his post on Tesla Motors Club also asks that people try to pass his thanks on to Elon Musk himself, who (along with Jesus, of course) Tran credits with saving his life. Judging by the pictures, that Model X does seem to have held up remarkably well.
Ok yeah right whatever, the more important thing is, what brand is the other car? I can’t figure it out. Please help.
Mitsubishi. Its a lancer but I dont know what model is. Probably a gsr from that years because te front fender isnt from an evolution
Now if that was a vovlo tank sedan the other car would be dust
What about the driver of the stolen evo? Hurt? Dead?
I can’t even see the impact on the tesla
lol I’m still trying to figure exactly where he got hit.
I’m dead lmao
Tesla made a better volvo 😂😂😂
Just imagine if the speeding car hits a volvo instead of the model X.
that’s the evilest thing i have ever imagined
“Held up remarkably well”
But isn’t a car supposed to not hold up and crumple (to an extend) to lessen the force of the impact?
A car that hardly crumples would be bad.
If the passenger compartment remains intact it’s of course the best thing. The front and rear of the cars are designed to crumple. The article refers to the passenger compartment ‘s strength
John Tran at it again