GTA Online's Latest Vehicle Is A Seriously Customisable, Weaponised Pickup

The Karin Technical pickup - complete with machine gun turret - first made an appearance in Heists, but now as part of the Gunrunning update it’s been given a serious makeover. Or rather, you’ll be able to give it a serious makeover.

The Karin Technical Custom can now be decked-out with extra armor and a selection of different paint jobs. Oh, and that machine gun on the back can be now swapped for a minigun, just in case you need that little bit more firepower.
It now comes equipped with a tow bar too, so if you want to add an extra layer of deadliness you can tow an Anti-Aircraft Trailer (another part of the Gunrunning update) behind it.
To add upgrades to your Technical Custom you’ll have to research them from your Bunker first, and you’ll only be able to add them from the a Mobile Operations Center.
Still, it should be worth the effort as the extra armour gives off a bit of a Mad Max vibe. It looks awesome!
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