This Good Guy Trucker Helped A Stranded Biker Escape A Precarious Position On The Highway
A trucker on the I-90 in Chicago is seen blocking traffic to allow a biker to wheel her stricken biker to the relative safety of the far side of the highway
Given all the road rage incidents and dash cam crash videos out there, it’s good to see the occasional positive bit of positive footage out there. Be kind to your fellow road users, folks!
Driving straight to Feeladelphia
Truckers are the kindest road users. They share the roads daily for multiple hours to gain money. Other people just use the roads to get from point A to B without caring about others.
My father is a trucker. For 1 week in a year I join him on the road. In just one week, I see all kind of stupid d-bag moves where people risk to kill someone else just do be 5 seconds earlier at the next redlight.
Videos like these just show 1 trucker doing good things, but believe me, respect truckers. When they can help, they’ll do it.
I always give truckers the room they need for braking and turning, I’d sit back away from the corner for a trucker who wants to turn into my street
Yes truckers are the kindest. They always signal thank you after I left them room to change lane or turning. And they did me the same every single time when I needed it too. They are very kind and polite all most all the time.
Not everywhere. Most of the time when I hit the road they are the ones doing stuff that put the life of others at great risk. Like trying to overcome another truck at an one lane each way highway. Their attitude to the cars coming their way is generally “move aside or die”. But then again, there’s a lot of a-holes driving small cars too hahahahaha
While a lot of drivers are pretty cool, theres quite a few that are total a$$holes. I work for a T/A in the shop and experience it first hand. Then there are drivers that are stupid with the service advisor, but cool with me(lube tech).
Wish we had such truckers here in Sri Lanka. We have full blown douche bags who break all laws and make us pull over to save our lives
Meanwhile in England:
wish there were more trucks like him out there.. we bikers sometimes really need a hand !
“A trucked”
“…allow a biker to wheel her stricken biker…”
Matt.. did you have a few drinks before this post?
Drunk Matt is drunk.
I assumed it was written on the Android app where there’s no auto complete!
kawasaki ltd 450 if you wanna know what bike is that
Nope. Yamaha Maxim.
Hope in humanity has been restored once agian for a while