For Every Idiot BMW Driver There's A Quick-Thinking Hero To Save The Day

After a moron in an old BMW clipped a fuel station tank, this ballsy hero risked his neck to prevent an explosion

Arsene Fitsulaev of Kaspiysk, Russia, must have balls of steel. After an idiot in an old BMW 7-series clipped a large fuel tank at a filling station, fuel vapour was released at an alarming rate.

Filling station worker Fitsulaev sprang into action, running through the vapour to close the tank's valves. He got the hell out of there just before the vapour ignited, but because of his actions the tank didn't explode, averting a catastrophe. The BMW driver is reported to have driven away from the incident.

Fitsulaev was given an award for his bravery by local emergency services.

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