This Cyclist Exacted Her Revenge On A Sexist Van Douchebag
After being at the receiving end of catcalling and harassment in central London, this cyclist struck back
We’re not entirely sure when this incident happened, but it looks to have started on Goodge Street in central London.
While we obviously can’t condone criminal damage, there’s a satisfying sense of street justice when the harassed cyclist strikes back after being on the receiving end of such appalling behaviour.
It’s hard to tell exactly what part the van driver had to play in this, but since he’s honking his horn and pulling closer to the cyclist, it certainly seems as though he’s happy to join in. Hopefully the newfound infamy the pair now have will make them think twice about their attitude…
The scum royally deserved it.
I wonder if he can afFORD to get it fixed?
Y downvote
Anyone else feel weird cheering a cyclist for once?
I myself am a cyclist and so is my father, who’s as much of a car enthusiast as I.
The ones you see on the side of the road are cyclist.
The ones in the middle are morons on a bike.
Mirror mirror on the van, who’s the biggest chnt of a man?
Bravo sir…… Bravo !!!! :D
I can’t stop laughing at this
If the van was switched for a gtr the result would of been totally different “just a social experiment bro”
Lmao so true and the fanboys would’ve been TRIGGERED
Personally I think the girl should have ignored him, he’s looking for a response anyway
You try ignoring being grabbed.
Say something smart and you end uo downvoted. Well she will be crying when she gets a bill from a mechanic
Pro tip:
Don’t catcall girls.
It will not work.
No girl will hear “Hey babe are you a nightstand cause I’d bang you at night” from a fat Transit driver and say “Wow ok I now want to have sex with you until my genitals get worn out”