Chevrolet Launches New Website

With the Chevrolet brand not faring too badly in the most recent April sales tallies, GM has saw fit to launch a new consumer brand website for Chevrolet. An interesting time to do it, I think they're trying to cast an image of a "new company" before heading into bankruptcy.

With the Chevrolet brand not faring too badly in the most recent April sales tallies, GM has saw fit to launch a new consumer brand website for Chevrolet. An interesting time to do it, I think they're trying to cast an image of a "new company" before heading into bankruptcy.

The new site, at, is all flash and high-tech. A big improvement over the old site, to say the least. The site entry begins with an opening graphic showing the some of the company's most desirable vehicles. Models Silverado, Traverse, Volt and Malibu, along with the Camaro, are featured prominently on the front of the website. It's no secret which models GM wants to promote most.

Chevrolet is still a relatively strong brand and it has a lot of potential for the future if it can be managed correctly. I think the brand now has a much more modern image as primarily due to the Volt. That car really has lifted the brand and the entire company up in the eyes of the public. Now just get the thing on sale, Chevrolet!

In other areas, huge progress has been made as well. Chevroletnow has a full range of competitive vehicles and is the refashioned GM's best bet for doing succeeding in the future. I do think Chevrolet name continues to have a lot of brand equity in the marketplace; even with the situation GM is in right now it still managed to take the second place result in brand sales rankings.

So I'm trying to be optimistic for the future; maybe GM can focus better now. Hopefully they will heavily invest in and improve the brands it still has. Time will tell how everything works out! We'll see what the "B" word (bankruptcy) does to GM's sales figures in the coming months.

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