500 HP Ford Escort Cosworth WRC Rally Car - Yours For Just Thirty Five Grand Sir.
Currently residing in Finland, this 500hp Ford Escort Cosworth group A WRC rally car is for sale at thirty five thousand pounds on

Currently residing in Finland, this 500hp Ford Escort Cosworth group A WRC rally car is for sale at thirty five thousand pounds on Ebay right now. It’s advertised as being in very good order and ready to race with many new parts fitted and a recent engine overhaul.

The list of upgrades is apparently incomplete but already rather mouthwatering…
· Holset turbo.
· Billet Flywheel.
· Double disc Quater Master clutch.
· 5-speed clutchless gearbox, clutch is only used for 1st & reverse (just been built by Lars Davidsson)
· Locked center differential 50:50 120Nm Bara Motor Sport Ltd.
· 7,5” front differential with Cosworth Lsd.
· 7,5” rear differential Lsd, 5.1 ratio. Bara Motorsport.
· Adjustable front support arms.
· Group A extra strong rear support arms.
· Front and rear 3 stage oil adjustable suspension.
· Power steering.
· Reinsalo Sport certified roll cage.
· Hydraulic handbrake.
· Launch control.
· Special strengthened drive shafts.
. Hestec ECU
Christmas is coming so if y’all want to start a GoFund me and chip in… I promise I’ve been a good boy.
Sort of.

#DrippingWet #Blogpost
Ten Tenths Podcast #DrippingWet
Matt Robinson
Best I could do is 5$.
$1 is the only max amount I can afford.
Ok. That and RoyP ‘s 5 makes six.
It’s a start.
Is it street legal? I wouldnt mind dropping even 50k on that
Now it’s 50,006 dollars!
Incredibly unlikely.
Who cares? The cops will never catch you in this car
If it’s a real rally car it should be.
All rally cars need to be road legal because they drive on public roads between stages.
Deal of the century!
I’ll chip in 20 bucks!
That brings us to $26. I can throw in another $20 but making that as an offer might be construed as taking the pi$$ though…
From a glimpse it looks riced out
It’s not rice if it’s a stock Group A rally car.
So nobody is noticing the name on the side window?
The name’s familiar, but…It can’t be, right?