The 10 Worst Car Mods Already Spotted In 2016
We've had a look through Reddit's popular 'Sh*tty Car Mods' subreddit to uncover some of the most poorly modded cars already seen in 2016

This Hummer with an identity crisis

Uploaded by Reddit user pmMeUrTatasPorFavor
'The new Lexus hybrid looks familiar...'

Uploaded by Reddit user bobloadmire
'It hurts seeing one of my favorite cars ruined like this'

Uploaded by Reddit user mtf420PL
There's no hope for this PT Cruiser

Uploaded by Reddit user Phazym
My daughter said, "That scares me."

Uploaded by Reddit user ThePurple5
'It's the newest Pontiac FireWillys!'

Uploaded by Reddit user bigtalltree
Go home, Golf. You're drunk!

Uploaded by Reddit user SuckALongOne
DIY Audi fenders look legit...

Uploaded by Reddit user rosenthorn
When you love that 'Matrex' movie too damn much

Uploaded by Reddit user Skinnerlikesdogfood
'I present to you, the Audi Lupo'

Uploaded by Reddit user adidragan
Take a look at for more!
Wouldn’t need a Disklok for ANY of those…
You could use it as a big, round hammer though…
The PT cruiser looks much better now.
I think that PT cruiser was doomed from birth with the looks it has let alone the mods.
mia khalifa on the 3rd car xD
What I saw too porn buddies high 5
How doesn“t love she .
Hahaha I saw her too!
So we’re just going to glaze over the fact that it’s a shi**y photoshop?
Who is that? :D </sarcasm>
1st!nvm no one cares… that hummer doe
rice rice baby…
I would own the pt just because of the rat visor
If he didn’t Lexus badge the prius it isn’t ugly… still 😳
Top marks for effort but….
OMG, is that an STI Subaru……