10 Iconic Racing Games Recreated In Forza Horizon 3
This talented gamer has made a tribute to some of the most iconic racing games of all time by recreating them in Forza Horizon 3 and the well-staged screenshots look so damn brilliant

It’d be understandable to mistake these images for promotional screenshots or screengrabs from game trailers, but these have actually all been created in Forza Horizon 3.

From Gran Turismo 3 to Crazy Taxi and Colin McRae Rally 2.0, the well-staged shots from FH3 look insanely realistic and must’ve taken a lot of time to perfect.

Made by EYui – via Kotaku . Check out the full set of images here, including other famous racing games.
You can check out the Youtube vids on Eric Yui’s channel.
Oh wow, looks like my photos even made it to CarThrottle… really wasn’t expecting this! Many thanks for sharing :D
This is why I love this community
Avantler83 xD
7heDuke(TheMemeSquad) ich find das grid ja so geil
The UnderGround 2 one hit me in the feels… Oh well… time for the 179th playthrough i guess
They look so real
The Nostalgia is killing me ;(
I like how in the gran turismo 3 one it says it’s the Seattle circuit but there’s palm trees in the background and it’s hella sunny😂 But for real these are amazing