T90 GTR+
Darrian T90 GTR +
Purpose built rally car. The shells are made in north Wales by http://www.darrian.co.uk/index.html
The rest we built up ourselves in just over a year
It has a 2.5 litre Millington Engine in the back that kicks out about 350 bhp
Weighing about 850kg it packs a fair punch for the weight
Looks properly good! Do you have some video footage of it? I’d love to see it in action!
If you’ve got facebook then you can go onto https://www.facebook.com/MediCellRallyTeam/
We put most the video stuff up on there :)
One heck of a sick rally car
I really love the Darrions. Are you racing at Cadwell next year? Why you label it TVR tho?
There isn’t a Darrian option and you can’t leave it blank. Not sure about Cadwell next year, it’s a long way off!
Edit: Figured it out now
If I could, I’d give you all my upvotes! Wow!! Any videos for us without fakebook? :)
That’s a link to some on board footage from Oulton Park. The Camera has been playing up since then but when we get it sorted there should be much more onboard stuff!
Never heard of it but I love it!
really cool looking, just wondering what sort of qualifications would someone need to work for a team like yours?
At the moment we have; a plumber/electrician/builder/plasterer/tiler, an ex electrician and a wiring loom engineer. Oh and a mechanic :)
Awesome !