Mk7(.5) front grill removal?
Hey everyone, could anyone give me some advice on how to remove the chrome grill on a 2015 Zetec, for a black honeycomb grill for it. All the videos on YouTube I’ve seen they just pull the thing off with (what appears to be) little effort. I tried doing that and it won’t budge. Could anyone help? Thanks.
You Can actually just pull it off, but as you said, it requires some force to make the plastic split jump out of its socket. However I did it by using a plastic trim tool to jam it in between the bumper and the grill and pry it off all the Way around, after I had pulled one of the splits out. Hope that helped a bit
Yea thanks, there’s not much info on how to actually do it other than vague descriptions…
Pull like you mean it.
Struggling with this too, will try using a plastic pry tool and hope that’ll sort it…