DIY aluminium short center console

I finally came up with a solution to replace the stock center console. I went for a very simple approach with 1mm sheet aluminium, that I bent, brushed and then sprayed with matte clearcoat.
I really like the result, especially since it matches the shifter and handbrake lever :)
The frame around the headunit will be replaced or covered with the same material and the window switches will be integrated where the cigarette lighter is by now.

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Its very good, please post more pics

06/18/2016 - 20:41 |
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Matthew Henderson

Pretty cool actually

06/18/2016 - 21:31 |
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Tiimy Napora (Miata Squad)

That’s cool great job ! you should just put something around the bare aluminium where the stick is like rubber or something it will give a great finition ;-)

06/21/2016 - 20:29 |
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