Speed Sensor Calibration for GM/Chev C1500 Trucks - All you need to know
So about a year ago I had an issue with my trucks speedometer.
My speedometer is not quite right. I have a 1993 GMC suburban c1500. A few years back the automatic transmission was replaced with one from a diesel c1500 pickup. Ever since then the needle on the speedometer cluster falls under the 0 mark when not moving and is always 10 over the speed its telling ( ie: 20km/h = 30km/h). I replaced the transmission speed sensor and nothing changed. Any suggestions?
Unfortunately I never got any responses on Carthrottle on how I could potentially fix this issue. Luckily I discovered a page that revealed all the speedometers dirty little secrets. And with a few paperclips and some soldering ( and a bit of luck ) I managed to fully calibrate the speedometer using this guide:
Hopefully someone finds this information useful, happy fixing!
There are much easier ways you know? Simple computer hookup to change the values.
Let me go plug the USB of my 93 into my IBM. I don’t think I have that kind of luxury with this particular truck.
The fix in the post above is actually much simpler that hooking a computer to anything. It’s literally attaching paperclips to a chunk of PCB.
If you want to find far better information for this truck than you will here. Join SilveradoSierra.com. As much as i love CT. Trucks are severly underappreciated on here.
You’ll get no argument from me on this. I think trucks are just as Important.