Stretched tires
Guys, I’m only 17 and am looking into getting a Lupo as a first car, not the best but I’m going to make do, how do I stretch tires like in this photo? I’ve found the wheels that are on the car but they’re way deeper in the picture than the ones I’ve found on the internet. Can anyone help me on what spec is the width of wheels and how to stretch tired like this? I know these tires will be illegal where I live but who cares, cars are a statement.
If you are new to driving you will crash. Your insurance finds out, they cancel your policy. The police pull you over you get a fine and points.
It’s not as if I would be going fast if my car was cambered even the slightest
Dont be stupid, please.
The lupo is a nice little car but with tyres like that it looks like it’s trying to hard to be something it isn’t. Also if you know it’s going to be illegal why do it? By all means get a spare set for car shows if stretched tyres are your thing but keep it legal on the road.
It will only be your first car. There is plenty of time for you to get other cars and put more mods on them. Keep that one safe and legal and build up your insurance rep.
Ive never heard of stretched tires being illegal. We use to do that years ago. Not as extreme as the top pic though. Your car won’t wreck unless you stretch to much and the tire pops off the rim.
Rice rice baby
Just don’t. It’s dangerous and although I’ve never heard proof of it giving the car horrible handling, it probably does
It’s simple you just buy tires that arent quite as wide as your wheels, the stretch is the sidewall reaching the bead. A little bit of stretch wont be too bad, but going to far with it can probably hurt handling.