F430 spider vs 599 gtb
Hi guys, first proper post on car throttle and it’s a question.
What are people’s thoughts/experiences on what is more special/requires less maintenance and have greatest scope to increase in value?
The Ferrari 430 spider or a 599 gtb?
All comments great-fully received !
As some onw that can only dream about them, as I have no acsses to any type of supercar, to me the 430 is more special, :-)
Thanks Edward even if your not thinking of buying one at the moment appreciate your thoughts on what looks cooler :)
430 would be more valuable long term as it’s part of the final generation of naturally aspirated V8 engines. It also whines more than the 599. Would go for the 430 spider
Been looking at the 430 spider as it is gorgeous but didn’t think the 599 was a turbo??
430 looks better to me, but 599 is more valuable i think
You are correct but they are also newer cars on the whole so that might have something to do with it. I also think when they were both brand new that the 599 was a more expensive car. The equivalent now is f12 v 488