Audi Forum Ingolstadt - the place where the Audi was born!

Greetings, Audi fans!

Since I got my first Audi I dreamt of going to the place where it all started. Two years later, here I stand in front of Audi Forum Ingolstadt. I was in awe, speechless and shivering (word!).

All the cars available for the "Audi Speed Date" event.

RS7's ass with the museum in the background.

Showroom where you could get in various models.

Gateway to heaven.

My Audi A4 in front of the dealership.

As far as the prices go here they are (based on what I bought):

  • Museum Fee : 2€
  • Parking : Free on weekends
  • Shop : 15€ TShirt and 10€ Key chain
  • Entrance : Free except museum
  • Food : From 6€ (delicious aswell)
  • Stickers : 2€ each
  • The feeling you get : priceless

To fully accomplish my dream, I requested test drives with the following cars :

  • Audi A4 AllRoad 3.0 V6 TDI
  • Audi A6 AllRoad 3.0 V6 BiTDI
  • Audi A8L 3.0 TDI
  • Audi R8 V10 Plus
    (For all these you have to book online)

To sum up, my experience there was … beyond amazing.
I hope this post has insipred you to go and visit such places!

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Kanye South

I like that Audi Z4 in the first picture

08/18/2016 - 00:25 |
0 | 0
theAQUAwolf (audibros)

My dream car!!! (RS7)

09/24/2018 - 21:09 |
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