Customising the Sultan RS?

Dear CTzens. I am once again turning to you with a GTA Online question. After reading the comments on my last question (what car to buy) I have decided that the Sultan RS would be the best choice. And, with a budget of 1.8 mil. , I also thought that it will be acomplishable. So, having converted mine to RS, I have about 1 million left, and am thinking how to spend it. Should I keep it plain and tuner:

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(I don’t have GTA V, so I don’t know is it possible) What about making something like DTM?

05/23/2016 - 16:05 |
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In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

I’ll check. I only just bought it, but thanks though.

05/23/2016 - 16:35 |
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jake kingsley

Im trying so hard to get money to benny upgrade my sultan, its all i want :(

05/23/2016 - 18:33 |
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Just hack it

05/23/2016 - 19:37 |
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Joel Kjesbo

I’d say go with the tuner look

05/23/2016 - 18:55 |
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You can make a Subaru or closely similar, it’s very easy. I’ve seen on before and it looked amazing.

05/23/2016 - 19:11 |
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I play with the drifter verition

05/23/2016 - 19:18 |
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Tuner look 😊 DO NOT put lowrider wheels, DO NOT put clashing color schemes DO NOT do any crap that typical gta gamers do! I would do a tuner look with orange metallic and go with either a completely stripped racecar interior or stock interior with classy upholstery

05/23/2016 - 19:36 |
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Sam Pagett

I wouldn’t do anything until the next update as i’ve got 3 million and what I normally do is wait until the update is released and buy any cars that I want from it and then upgrade any other cars… Thets just my opinion though. Also I have the Rally style Sultan and it is a beast when you upgrade it! :D

05/23/2016 - 20:23 |
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05/23/2016 - 20:30 |
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Tommaso Imperio

This one’s my Sultan, it has a (almost) full on racecar stripped interior!

05/23/2016 - 20:35 |
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GeorqeDubyaKush [95¢DriftCrew]

My ricey DTM-ish Asimov RS

05/23/2016 - 22:44 |
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