Wheelspin Wednesday: Seriously Smoky Chevrolet S-10

Welcome to our new feature: Wheelspin Wednesday! We know the middle of the week is tough, so we're here to get you over your slump and on towards the weekend with a smile on your face.

Today's example of 'how to spin your tyres like a boss' is this chap in a Chevrolet S-10. This particular truck lights up the wheels thanks to an LS1 V8 tucked under the hood, and boy does it contribute to huge plumes of burnt rubber.

The highlight comes late in the video, as the driver keeps his foot to the floor, stressing the tyres to the point of explosion. With the shredded rubber lying on the tarmac, the smouldering remains of his tyres still blowing clouds into the sky, everything goes quiet.

As the rumble of abused V8 rips through the air, you know it's time to hit repeat...
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