Watch The Moment A Car Launched Into An Office Building
A driver somehow escaped uninjured after this spectacular crash in Santa Ana, California
When photos emerged earlier this week of a car poking out of the upper floor of an office building in Santa Ana, California, we all wondered how the hell it got there. Today, we’re taking a look at dashcam footage of the huge accident that put the Nissan Altima in such an unlikely position.
The car is seen launching across the front of a bus, which it misses by what looks like a particularly narrow margin. In the final few frames, it’s seen slamming into a dental practice.
Amazingly, both occupants of the car reportedly emerged from the wreck uninjured. Unsurprisingly, the driver has since admitted being under the influence of narcotics at the time of the crash…
I’m more worried about the reaction times of the bus driver :D … he didn’t seem to stop after a car just flew across his Windshield :D hahaha
he is a bus driver, he aint go time for that shit. :)
Russia vs United-States, Dashcam compilation
I am just going to leave this here. The germans did it first…
And the Chinese in a CRV…
He believed he could fly,he believed he could touch the bus.
Uhh thats an Infiniti
Nope, definitely an Altima.
It didn´t hit 88MPH when he expected
i hear this new game has a bad physics engine, this seems to be proof
Hmmm,first flying car concept that works already