Terrible Driving Punted This Poor Nissan Silvia S12 Into A 'Ring Barrier
It’s always sad to see a lovely old car meet a sticky end, and many of those have come at the often tricky Nurburgring. Its frequently changeable microclimates can see random patches of fog, rain, hail or even snow at one corner while everywhere else is sunny.
That’s not what happened here, though. As our hapless helmsmith in the Nissan Silvia S12 approaches a left-hand bend slightly too quickly he is too close to the inside, turns too little, too late, understeers, hits the brake and seals his own fate for a shameful tryst with the outside barrier.

We had to watch this several times to grasp the scale of the driver’s failure. Everything that could be wrong about the attempted turn was wrong. We genuinely feel terrible for the owner of the car, and terrible for the damage to the car itself, but this is a neatly-packaged masterclass in how not to take any corner, anywhere, ever.
We hope that the car is repairable, for one thing. We also hope the driver was unharmed and properly insured for Nurburgring laps. After the paperwork is completed, a little driver training wouldn’t go amiss.
terrible driving is a bit of an overstatement, the dude just misjudged a corner. on any track with a proper run of area this wouldn’t have been a big deal
Yeah, judging by the article I expected the driver to be all over the place
Yeah the article reads as a little petty. Wonder if the owner of this S12 stole Matt’s girlfriend in high school or something
Especially because this is a blind late apex corner at the bottom of a hill. This camera angle makes the corner look simpler than it is
deja vu stoops playing
This car doesn’t have ABS so that might be the reason he crashed.
This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito
Why i du dis?
Deja oops
deja OOF
There are some bad driving habits here, but I hope he turned a corner after this.
Don’t be too judgemental, we’ve all left a few skid marks around the ring, after all.
I have a black silvia s12 for sale 1000 euros