Shoplifting Ford Mustang Driver Evades Arrest After Ramming Police Cars
This dramatic footage shot in Glendale, Los Angeles County on Tuesday shows the moment a shop lifter rammed his way through several police cars while making his escape.
Glendale Police Department officers were responding to reports of shoplifting at a Vons supermarket branch, and the suspect showed no signs of wanting to stop. One officer was able to spin the car around, with another police vehicle soon arriving to block the Mustang.
Rather than reverse away, the Mustang driver nearly mashed his foot on the pedal while cops shouted at him to stop and open the door. Eventually, he freed the car, at which point a third police car arrived. Which he rammed too.
He was able to escape the scene, before parking up, dumping the battered Ford and escaping on foot.
Despite police setting up a perimeter and deploying a helicopter plus K9 dog units, the man could not be found. By 2.15pm the search was suspended, and the suspect remains at large.
GTA in real life.
When you managed to lose a 3-star wanted level
But in GTA the police shoots you the moment they get out of their car
Without calling Lester
USA aka GTA online. Russia is Saints Row. China is Just Cause
2 stereotypes confirmed.
1:mustang drivers suck a$$ at driving/ crash their cars all the time.
2:built ford tough b*tches!
The biggest crime here was clearly the vertical camera
Right? I’ll never understand people who can’t manage to do something as simple as point a camera at something…
He clearly shoplifted diamonds for this crime to profit
Now I don’t want to seem pedantic, but it sure looked like all three cop cars rammed him
Beat me to it
I like how a ford wasn’t able to DODGE a cop and instead he CHARGED on RAMmed it.
This deserves upvotes what are you people doing
The thing that annoyed me the most was that even though the person filming remembered to switch to horizontal video filming they started in vertical which means my neck is hurting now.
it was later found out that the driver was hallucinating and thought he was plowing through crowds.
damn, why all the downvotes?