Old Opel Rally Car Attacks A House, But The House Finishes The Fight

Old-school rally cars like this rear-wheel drive Opel Ascona are the epitome of cool. They're as basic as a brick, as light as a kit car and as tough as old boots. Luckily.

After taking an easy right-hander at a race last weekend, the Opel driver opens up the throttle down a short straight. The approaching corner means he keeps the car on the left-hand side of the road, ready to throw the nose to the right. Unfortunately, mud sucks the car left and reduces traction instantly.

Despite full, right-hand lock, the Ascona darts forwards into the path of an old-brick, abandoned building. Because the building was there first, it's clearly in no mood to move out of the way.

With contact made, bricks begin to tumble. Suddenly, the entire side wall gives way and comes hurtling down on top of the Opel. The crowds can barely believe what they've just witnessed. Luckily, no-one was injured. The same can't be said about the car, however...
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