Car Life In Pie Charts - Part 2 (Warning - still savage).

You can find Part 1 here. - I doubt there will be a part three unless there’s a bunch I missed… at some point the joke gets old and I have other stuff to do.
You can find Part 1 here. - I doubt there will be a part three unless there’s a bunch I missed… at some point the joke gets old and I have other stuff to do.
Ten Tenths Podcast Matt Robinson Alex Kersten
The E36 one had me dying 😂 And I’ve gotta say about the E30 one: Either I or it dies, I don’t wanna sell it anyway :)
I know that these are not to be taken seriously, but I think there are way more people thinking like me :)
The E36 one is 100% accurate.
E36 is 100% true. Alex must be planning Ian’s murder now.
subaru 100% time vaping
0% is more accurate you’re thinking of stanced golf/lupo owners 😜
RX8 was too true… I want to buy an RX7 FB shell, and if the 12A I pull from my current car doesn’t run that well, I’ll sell it and do a K24 swap or some other Honda I4… or what I really want is a Litre superbike Inline 4.
Do it!
It was super accurate…
I’m thinking of getting an FB RX7 aswell. But i would swap in an rx8 engine. Unfortunately I’m torn between that and getting a miata
Disklok Pie Chart: Time Spent Securing:
Hey, I have a fast growing podcast if you want to advertise - just sponsor us for the cost of hosting it.
I guarantee it’s the right price for you.
both hand drive at gmail dot com - only in proper email format. Drop me a line.
cheeky disklok
#cheekydisklok has been a lot more active lately…
The stance one is incorrect.
Should be “laughed at” not despised! ;)
I should have 50/50’d it…
Oddly accurate for the Aston pie chart. Love it
“Car guys without car” life - Time Spent:
60% Searching for cars on the classifieds
10% Wondering why the lack of car.
9% “I’m the fastest on Forza”
1% Doing homeworks for school
Sh!t, now you remind me.
tfw poorfag without car
Maybe you should have done more homework to figure out that 60+10+9+1 doesn’t equal 100. What are they doing with the other 20% of their time
If you make more of these can you darken the shading on either yellow or green? Or keep yellow and green seperated? Im colorblind(red-green) as f*ck and have a hard time seeing some of these. Lol. The red is a dark enough shade that I can see a difference.
Wow. That didn’t even occur to me!