The 10 Best Comments On CT Last Week
A day later than usual, here are the very best and funniest comments we received last week!
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Best comment

I totally think using Volvos instead of tanks could actually work or just strap Volvos to a tank= infinite armour? XD
Or have Volvo, the company, make military weapons
Armor a volvo with old nokia brick phones
Gets top comment on post, different comment on post makes top 10
Best comment doesn’t always mean the one with the most upvotes. :)
Probably because it was political related.
My comment is here!! Yeah!!!
dr.mahadir will proud
Perfect ad placement
If the Extra-Gear one had been here, I’d be in ‘Top 10 comments on CT’ for sure.
Yes, made it
how do i create a post ?
and smoke weed
YES YES YES!!!! Hahahahha!!!!