Cars and Coffee; Misawa, Aomori, Japan
Cars and Coffee Misawa
ようこそ「三沢 cars and coffee」のページへ。
Brought to you by Big D, GaijinDrift, Slip’s Shine and HondaSHOWkai;
Big D, GaijinDrift, Slip’s Shine、HondaSHOWkai、僕らは三沢のユーズドカーショップのグループです。
The goal is to have this recurring monthly and use this chance to network with fellow enthusiasts and our Host Nation friends.
This event is for all types of wheeled vehicles to include cars, trucks (on and off-road), bikes (of any kind), etc., and will be a “Meet and Greet” event.
参加は、乗用車、トラック(オフロードも)、バイク(どんな車種でも)、その他もろもろ、ともかく“車輪のついた乗り物“ ならOK、車好き同士、会って親交を深めよう!というイベントです。
There will be no judging or trophies and most importantly there will be NO exhibition of speed or power before, during and after the event. (When you come to this meeting, Please refrain from making too much noise, over-revving, reckless driving or any mischievous behavior that may bother the neighbors. Thank you very much for your understanding.)
These meets will happen at 1000, on the first Sunday of the month. The location will be the east side parking of the Misawa Ice Skating Arena. (Planned for Mar to Nov; No events during Winter Season)
毎月第一日曜日 午前10時から
Next meet is 4 June.
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