JAMES MAY'S TOP GEAR INDIA SPECIAL ROLLS ROYCE IS UP FOR.... scrap. Anyone got about 10 grand handy?

So, I was having a trawl through late night ebay classifieds (as you do when you’re bored and car-less) and I came across this Roller. At first I thought it was someone trying to do something bogus with constant adding of words, such as those people who add ‘V8’ to the tags for their V6, but after looking over it the ad seems somewhat Legitimate. Apparently, the dude wants the buyer to come see the car before buying, so here are the two situations I have deciphered.

1: It is legit and they don’t want people to make daft bids to wind them up.

2: You’re gonna get mugged.

Here’s the link. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bentley-Rolls-royces-Choping-up-TOP-GEAR-INDIA-CHRISTMAS-TRIP-JAMES-MAY-CAR-/152577833715?hash=item238658faf3:g:UiUAAOSwMvtZORWf
Have a look yourselves and come up with your own decision and, if you happen to have the space and the money handy, please buy it on behalf of the Top Gear community. It’d be a shame to see it torn up.

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I’ve bought it don’t worry it’s not being scrapped I’ve just spent a load of money on the brakes etc I’m going to just do enough to mot it and drive it around as it is, not sure if I sound do a full restoration in a year or two still on the fence about that.

08/21/2017 - 14:24 |
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