Anyone know the easiest way to remove a broken bleeder screw from the upper radiator hose? Mine snapped and its stuck.

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Erick Alvarez

Had that happen to me too because I bought a cheap dorman replacement. I used needle nose pliers and heated the tips up so that it softens the plastic screw enough to sink in a little so it can bite and turned it out. I only bought genuine bmw screws after that

01/06/2018 - 05:12 |
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Erick Alvarez

The screws also have channels that run up and down the length of the screw you can try to use to get a better bite from the needle nose pliers

01/06/2018 - 05:15 |
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Thanks for that, I’ll definitely get a brass bleeding screw here soon.

01/06/2018 - 05:16 |
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