Can You Get Level 'Expert Mechanic' On This Car Parts Quiz?
Most of us would admit that, while we’re happy to change an air filter or install a CD player, we’re not pro mechanics. Luckily, you shouldn’t have to be for this little test. Let us know what level you are in the comments below!
Not difficult, though I’m not sure any of the answers were right for the sprocket one..
Anyway, you get this if you do them all wrong;
Novice Mechanic
You love your car - and you love tinkering with it. You have an interest in motors, but would love to learn more. If something breaks, you know it’s usually cheaper to replace it yourself but you know when to call in the experts. Improve your skills and make savings by checking out eBay’s handy mechanic guides in their Vehicle Parts & Accessories section.
It was a gokart axle. Not a real car. I got lucky, I just happen to like gokarts.
Come on now, way too easy…
I have never ever worked legit on a car but i still got it
So just knowing parts makes you an expert mechanic?
I don’t think that’s how it goes…
I guess I’m a mechanic now ;)
too easy
With 3 years working in an automotive shop,and 3 years working in a diesel/big rig shop, I better pass this with flying colors!
way too easy
All i ve done is change the brakes, air filter and the battery.. oh and an after market fog lights… so becuz it says im an expert mechanic can i do an engine rebuild? Awesome..!