750,000 Idiotic British Motorists Will Drink And Drive This Christmas

The shocking result of research conducted in the UK indicates that an incredible 18 per cent of Brits are happy to admit they'll put lives at risk this year by drinking and driving
750,000 Idiotic British Motorists Will Drink And Drive This Christmas

You’d think people would have got the message by now. Drinking and driving is just about the most idiotic thing you could ever do in a car. From a selfish point of view, you’re not only putting your own safety at risk, you’re also running the risk of getting caught and having your license taken away. But more importantly, your dumb, selfish actions immediately put the lives of everyone around you at risk. All because you couldn’t be bothered to organise transportation home.

Despite these incredibly valid reasons for not drinking and driving, research by Co-op Insurance suggests that an incredible 18 per cent of British motorists admit they’ll take a chance this Christmas, which would equate to 744,000 drivers. 26 per cent of respondents also expected to drive the morning after a heavy night.

750,000 Idiotic British Motorists Will Drink And Drive This Christmas

There’s no good reason to drink and drive, but the most popular reasons given for getting behind the wheel while over the limit are infuriating. 28 per cent claim a taxi would be too expensive, 25 per cent would rather drink drive than walk home, while 20 per cent said they’d do it because they’ve done it before and weren’t caught.

The most popular reason for driving drunk, however, is the most face palm-inducing: 31 per cent of respondents said that they’d drive because “it will not harm anyone.” Seriously, how ignorant do you have to be? You know that everyone who’s ever had something bad happen to them has said “it won’t happen to me,” right?

So, it should go without saying, but seriously, if you’re thinking about drinking and driving: DON’T.

Source: Motoring


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