Likes cars. Mostly JDM but sticks to Mazdas
Articles by KodoMazda人馬ä¸ä½
Toyota, the Japanese superpower of a multi-corporation. Owning shares from things like trucks, electronics, cars, etc, Toyota is an impressive business that is to be respected. However, I would like to note something very wrong about Toyota: It’s Boring. Yes, the modern-day Toyota Motor Corporation is a boring company (and not in the way of Elon Musk’s The Boring Company).
Before I get onto the topic, let me tell you a short story. So I was in this empty classroom and I had just remembered about that Yamaha truck concept from the Tokyo Auto Show, the Yamaha Cross Hub Concept. So I went to my laptop (my school uses laptops) and searched it up. I thought that it was cool for Yamaha to make concept cars and I wished they made one for production spec. I then began scrolling down through the page for the Cross Hub until something catches my eye. A Youtube video with the title, T40 Test Footage. Here’s a screenshot of it.