Articles by MangoCars
Many of us have the dream to own a super car at some point in our lives with looks that seek everyone’s attention and an exhaust which can be heard from the moon. But for many of us its still a dream to own a Lamborghini with the scissor doors or the elegant and beautiful butterfly one’s int the Mclaren’s. But fear not because Toyota in the 90’s had just the thing which came on the same level of cool as super cars with its quirky design and a place for everyone’s pocket. In comes the Toyota Sera, released in 1990 as a 2+2 hatchback and you guesses it - BUTTERFLY DOORS!
This came up at one of those times when i got bored and drifted deep into the internet but good lord was i fascinated by this find and i thought to research about this and share it with you guys. The Toyota Mega Cruiser was introduced in 1995 for military use and it resembled a lot like the other very famous military vehicle, the Hummer H1. Even though it was designed for the military use, this truck also was used by the police and fire rescue departments and eventually seeped to the general public.
Most of us car guys have had a thought of owning or building a practical station wagon which can rip of supercars and at the same time carry our dogs around but it’s very rare that we consider having a similarly cool minivan ( well a sports tourer is what Mercedes calls it) but it is actually a huge luxury barge which can seat 7 and carry your stuff around while keeping your butt warm and surround you with the extremely comfortable Mercedes interior.