London Crowd Delivers Vigilante Justice To Scooter-Riding Thief

While vigilantism isn't usually something to applaud, the British police are simply too stretched to be effective enough, so Londoners are fighting the city's newest crime wave themselves

Public ain't letting these tosser's getting away with nicking bikes anymore

Posted by Simon Alexander on Sunday, October 15, 2017

Who’s up for a plate of long-awaited vigilante justice, dusted with a pinch of filming and shaming? Thieves, muggers and attackers on scooters have become one of London’s worst enemies, but it seems the people have had enough.

We don’t know the exact circumstances behind this incident, apparently filmed a few days ago in the capital, but it seems that moped-based scumbags have been trying to steal something when a handful of locals decided to intervene.

Police had been called, but the locals chase the man, who’s wearing a motorbike helmet over a balaclava, clearly trying to hide his face completely. They corner him, drag him to the floor and wrench his helmet off. His face is now all over the Internet. We hope everyone who knows him sees it. Thieves be warned: try to steal from the people of London, and they might just fight back.


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