The Porsche 944 Isn't A Boat, Silly

What looks like a particularly tidy 944 is senselessly driven into floodwater in Lynn, Massachusetts, after which the predictable happens

You’d think it would have been pretty obvious to the driver of this Porsche 944 in Lynn, Massachusetts that the floodwater ahead of them was perilously deep. But regardless, they ploughed on, and the inevitable happened - the 944 got stuck.

National Weather Service Boston advised people against trying to drive through flood water when flash flooding hit the Lynn area at the weekend, and for good reason. You can’t always tell how deep it is, and once you’re floating, there’s the risk of being carried off.

In the case of the 944, fortunately it looks like the car wasn’t moving anywhere fast, so hopefully they would have been safely extracted, contemplating what not to do next time…

Via Jalopnik


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