This Incredibly Lucky Railway Crossing Escape Is About As Close To Certain Death As It Gets

It's okay to clench as you watch a fast-moving train come within inches of atomising a Volkswagen Golf that had ignored the safety barriers at a level crossing

Close shaves don’t come much closer than this. We’d imagine lots of poo came out of the four occupants of this MkIV Golf when the driver drove straight through the barriers and a fast-moving train clipped its rear end.

Watch the footage, which was filmed in Poland, to see for yourself just how unbelievably close the quartet came to obliteration. The first angle shows the Golf barging underneath a barrier that must have been impossible to miss, and then the impact when the train suddenly appears from camera-right.

This Incredibly Lucky Railway Crossing Escape Is About As Close To Certain Death As It Gets

Then the video switches to the opposite angle and captures the action from behind the car, displaying the damage as well. If the driver hadn’t braked when faced with the second barrier, the car might have escaped unscathed, but it could so easily have been much, much worse. If the Golf had been just a foot or so further back it would have been collected viciously by the train, and survival would have been unlikely.

Via: The Telegraph


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