This Lady Doesn't Give A Damn About Her Rapidly Disintegrating Wheel

A woman in Illinois was spotted driving for miles on a disintegrating rim following a flat tyre

I’m sure all of you know the drill when you get a flat tyre. You pull over as soon as it’s safe to do so, and either change the tyre or - more likely with newer cars - find the can of gooey tyre repair stuff that’s hiding behind some trim in your boot.

This lady however, did not pull over. In fact, the guy who posted this footage on Facebook said his father was following the woman in the Toyota Rav4 for 15 miles before she pulled over in the vicinity of Schaumburg. How long she was driving after the initial puncture is something we don’t even want to speculate on.

The best part? Apparently she told police that she was attempting to drive to the dealer so they could sort out the flat tyre. Hard to argue with that logic…

Video via Jalopnik



Why? Because weight reduction

12/12/2016 - 19:47 |
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Thomas cole

Hehehe runs in the family

12/12/2016 - 19:59 |
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TofuDrifter99(Furry Squad)

The car must be wheely tired out after that expirience

12/12/2016 - 21:10 |
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Clayton. (Honda fanboy bwaaa(VTEC)AAAAAWWW)

Basically sums up illinois. I bet she backed into someone after this, too.

12/12/2016 - 22:01 |
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With the RAV4 being FWD I’d hate to know what this did to the powertrain. Trans and diff are probably smoked

12/12/2016 - 23:01 |
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This guy record talent ………. at his best…….

12/12/2016 - 23:25 |
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the video was chopped a lot for me IT

12/12/2016 - 23:39 |
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That’s on the brake discs for sure

12/12/2016 - 23:39 |
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Timothy Lesko

i mean, she has her hazards on, soooo…

12/12/2016 - 23:53 |
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This Lady Doesn't Give A Damn About Her Rapidly Disintegrating Wheel
Yan Novais

Looks like that’s the only wheel that’s not TIRED of traveling

12/13/2016 - 00:16 |
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