Gumball 3000 in GTA V

The image above is a map of a route idea I had, this seems like something fun to do with some freinds on GTA.
I may write up some guidelines for anyone who wants to try this themselfs, if this is something people are interested in.



Here is an idea for the route (just possible feedback…)

Use the airport as the start-line.
That way, as each car sets off, they can fly down the run-way and show off a little.

Use the Pier as the finish line.
Then as each car comes in, you can use the parking lot on the pier itself, and have an after-party using the carnival rides!

05/14/2016 - 21:08 |
5 | 0

Other than my comment idea, this alone, makes me wanna get my internet back so badly!

05/14/2016 - 21:09 |
1 | 0
Joshua Gindy

Only takes like 10 minutes to do that route.

05/15/2016 - 03:26 |
0 | 0

I’m on ps4 and would love to do this with some people

05/15/2016 - 14:32 |
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