Here's How You Develop A Brand New Tyre For A 25-Year-Old Supercar

This fascinating documentary takes a look at how Bridgestone helped solved the issue of tyre supply for the Jaguar XJ220, by developing an all new boot
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Running an unusual, low-volume modern classic supercar like a Jaguar XJ220 is not easy. Thankfully, XJ220 experts Don Law Racing are around to play an invaluable role in keeping the surviving cars going, but one massive issue has remained: tyres.

Up until recently, availability of suitable boots for the former fastest production car in the world has been a huge problem, with many resorting to using the ageing original stock of Pirelli P Zeros.

Now though, a couple of solutions are present. Jaguar Classic and Pirelli now offer a new version of the original P Zero, and as detailed in this fascinating documentary, Bridgestone - working with Don Law - has developed an all new tyre specifically for the XJ220.

The documentary may be 42 minutes long, but it’s well worth your time. Weekends are made for this kind of car geekery…


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