Watch What Happens When A 200kg Knife Is Dropped On A Prius

To answer a question no one asked, these guys decided to drop a 227kg knife onto a defenceless Toyota Prius...
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If you really hate the Toyota Prius, I suspect you’ll appreciate this video. The people from Megabots Inc thought they’d see what might happen if they dropped a 227kg knife - made for their giant fighting robots - right onto the roof of a defenceless Toyota hybrid. Oh, and the Prius had already been significantly beaten up by one of the aforementioned bots.

While this is straying further away from car content, we heartily recommend you take a look at some more videos on Megabots’ channel - the company is attempting to kick off the sport of giant fighting robots (it’s a thing, apparently) in the USA, and the results are predictably mad…

Via Gizmodo


The car project

1000 degree knife coming soon …………..

06/06/2017 - 20:39 |
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when a company that builds a huge fuctioning robot says that dropping a 200 kg knife on a car is the best idea they ever had, than it truly is a great idea.

06/06/2017 - 23:08 |
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Well, add a few more Prii and you have a Prii shish kabob

06/07/2017 - 02:15 |
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car doggo

only one? why not drop knives on more?

06/07/2017 - 03:21 |
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Just created this

06/07/2017 - 04:39 |
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Michael bay is ashmed there isnt explosions

06/07/2017 - 07:29 |
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The next test involves heating the knife to 1000 degrees and dropping it on another Prius.

06/07/2017 - 07:31 |
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Xploding-turtle🐢🔰(Wax)(boom tortoise)(puma c


06/07/2017 - 08:04 |
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Annoying Orange would be proud.

06/07/2017 - 11:34 |
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Using CUTTING EDGE technology they have successfully destroyed a prius

06/07/2017 - 12:38 |
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